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Discover 5 Surprising Facts About Septum Piercings

Discover 5 Surprising Facts About Septum Piercings

The septum piercing is back in style this year. Fashion magazines like Vogue showcase models with cute septum hoops, and even celebrities rock them on the red carpet.

People really like bringing back the style from the 90s and early 2000s. What's neat is that nowadays, society is cool with piercings, so they're super popular. It's more accepted than ever before. If you've been thinking about getting a septum piercing but were worried about what people might think, don't worry! Now is the perfect time to go for it.

But remember, getting a piercing is a serious decision. You should do some research and be responsible before getting a septum piercing, or any piercing for that matter.

It shouldn't go through cartilage 

Yes, forget about the cartilage. We're all about the "sweet spot". Pinch your septum between your nostrils and feel for a thin skin flap. That's where the septum ring jewellery goes. Keep in mind, though, not everyone has a sweet spot. A piercer can check if yours is big enough for a piercing.

Now, piercing the sweet spot is way easier to heal than the cartilage. The sweet spot takes about 4-8 weeks to heal, but cartilage can take much longer, around 6-9 months or even more. Plus, cartilage is thick, so placing the piercing can be tricky. Some piercers might not even do a cartilage piercing because it can end up crooked.

It doesn't hurt as much

Everyone's pain tolerance is different, and it also depends on your nose shape. But generally, it's not as bad as you might think.

The sweet spot, where the piercing goes, is usually thin. This means that it's super easy for the needle to pass through. If you go to a pro piercer who knows their stuff, you'll probably just feel a little pressure. Your eyes might start to tear a little, but don't worry; it's completely normal and doesn't mean you're in pain. It's just the piercing location doing its thing.

Now, if you get a piercing in the cartilage or if your sweet spot is thicker than usual, it might be more painful. But don't you worry; most people who get their septum pierced don't experience much pain at all.

Septum stench can be controlled

There's something called "the septum stench" that can happen. Don't worry; it's normal for all piercings to have a smell, but septum piercings can be more noticeable because of where they're located in your nose. This smell happens because of dead skin that builds up in the piercing and the stuff that comes out while it's healing.

However, you're probably the only one who can smell it unless you clean your piercing properly. But let's be honest, it's not pleasant to have a funky smell coming from your nose. Thankfully, there's an easy fix. Just make sure to keep your piercing clean using a saline solution made specifically for piercings. This solution will wash away all the yucky stuff that causes the smell.

To keep things spick and span (which you should totally do during the healing phase), give a little spritz of that saline solution onto a cotton swab or a folded piece of gauze. Apply it and clean the area. It's like giving your piercing a mini spa day. 

It can be easily hidden after healing 

One reason why people like septum piercings is because they can hide them easily. Since the piercing is inside your nose, you can't see the holes. You can also wear a small circular barbell and flip it inside your nose to hide the piercing. But be careful; bigger jewellery may cause discomfort.

While your piercing is still healing, it's best not to hide it. Using piercing retainers may move or knock the jewellery out. Also, you shouldn't flip your jewellery during healing, and it'll be visible for about two months. If you need to hide it, you should choose a different piercing.

Septum Piercing is Flexible  

If you're into bold accessories, consider giving your septum piercing a little extra room once it's all healed up. The stretching game depends on where you got pierced and the space available. Cartilage piercings make stretching a bit more challenging and time-consuming compared to the fleshy part.

Think of stretching your septum like upgrading your earlobe piercings – it's a gradual process. Take it one size at a time, smoothly switching to larger jewellery until you hit your preferred size. Patience is key here, and it's wise to have a pro piercer guide you through it, ensuring you switch sizes only when it's safe.

If the idea of a septum piercing has been on your mind, why not seize the moment? It's a unique piercing you can use with various jewellery styles. 

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